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Rev. bras. med. fam. comunidade ; 18(45): 3589, 20230212.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531213


Introdução: O processo de acolhimento dos longevos em instituições de longa permanência de idosos (ILPI) tem se tornado uma constante por parte das famílias, principalmente ao observar-se o panorama de ageísmo atual. Dessa forma, seja pela falta de condições emocionais, seja pela praticidade em fornecer o cuidado por meio terceirizado, inúmeros idosos são obrigados a se adaptar a um novo ambiente, rotina e conviventes. Assim, faz-se clara a percepção de inúmeras dificuldades por parte desses indivíduos em lidar com os obstáculos inerentes ao processo fisiológico do envelhecimento, somada à tempestade de sentimentos advindos do abandono e da incapacidade. Além disso, por se tratar de uma porção vulnerável da população, torna-se importante trazer à tona a visão dos idosos a respeito de sua percepção de saúde e da forma como se sentem quanto à convivência nesse espaço e com suas famílias. Objetivo: Compreender a influência do contato familiar e das relações interpessoais na saúde mental de idosos residentes em ILPI no noroeste do Paraná. Métodos: Estudo descritivo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado por meio da aplicação de um questionário associado a uma entrevista semiestruturada com idosos residentes em uma ILPI, no ano de 2021. Entre as informações abordadas estão a autoavaliação do estado mental, a forma de ingresso na instituição, o contato familiar e o relacionamento dentro da instituição. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas, segundo semelhança de conteúdos. Resultados: Por meio dos dados coletados, observou-se que o processo de ingresso da maioria dos entrevistados foi consentida e estabelecida por concordância entre idoso, família e assistente social. Também se viu que, mesmo com as adversidades da pandemia de COVID-19, os familiares buscaram estar presentes por intermédio de chamadas de vídeo, seguindo os protocolos de prevenção à doença. Outro ponto investigado foi o relacionamento entre os residentes e os profissionais da instituição, a qual foi estabelecida como não conflituosa, sendo considerada impessoal pela maioria, obtendo-se poucos relatos que a considerassem como familiar. Por fim, constatou-se pelos relatos uma boa condição cognitiva (bom estado de saúde mental), mantida por meio da boa convivência e da implementação de atividades coletivas e individuais de lazer por parte da instituição. Conclusões: Os idosos entrevistados consideraram sua estadia, convivência e rotina na ILPI de ótima qualidade. Ao contrário do esperado, a maioria dos internos apresentou boa condição cognitiva (bom estado de saúde mental), constatada no decorrer das entrevistas. Há poucos idosos residentes na instituição, e o diagnóstico de depressão é apresentado nos prontuários.

Introduction: The process of welcoming long-lived individuals in Long-term Care Facilities (LTCFs) for older adults has become a constant on the part of families, especially when observing the current panorama of ageism. Thus, either due to the lack of emotional conditions or to the practicality of providing outsourced care, countless older people are forced to adapt to a new environment, routine, and peers. It is evident the perception of countless difficulties on the part of these individuals in dealing with the obstacles inherent in the physiological process of aging, along with the storm of emotions arising from abandonment and incapacity. Moreover, as this is a vulnerable portion of the population, it is worth bringing to light the vision of older adults about their perception of health and how they feel about the interaction in this space and with their families. Objective: To understand the influence of family contact and interpersonal relationships on the mental health of older adults residents of a LTCF in northwestern Paraná. Methods: A descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach was carried out by applying a questionnaire, associated with a semi-structured interview, to older adults residents of a LTCF in the year 2021. Among the addressed information are the self-assessment of mental state, the way of admission to the institution, family contact, and the relationship within the institution. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed, according to similarity of content. Results: According to the collected data, the process of admission of most of the interviewees was consented and established by agreement between the older adult, their family, and social workers. Even with the adversities of the COVID-19 pandemic, the family members sought to be present through video calls, following the protocols of prevention to the disease. Another investigated aspect was the relationship between the residents and the professionals of the institution, which was established as nonconflicting, being mostly considered impersonal, with few reports that considered it as familiar. Finally, by the reports, we verified a good status of mental health, maintained through good coexistence and the implementation of collective and individual leisure activities by the institution. Conclusions: The interviewed older adults considered their stay, coexistence, and routine at the LTCF of great quality. Contrary to what was expected, most of the residents presented a good mental health status, as verified during the interviews. Few older adults residents in the institution presented a diagnosis of depression in their medical records.

Introducción: El proceso de acogida de los ancianos en las instituciones de larga permanencia de ancianos (ILPIs), se ha convertido en una constante por parte de las familias, principalmente al observar el panorama actual de discriminación por edad. Así, ya sea por la falta de condiciones emocionales o por la practicidad de la atención externalizada, muchos ancianos se ven obligados a adaptarse a un nuevo entorno, rutina y convivencia. Así, es evidente la percepción de numerosas dificultades por parte de estos individuos para afrontar los obstáculos inherentes al proceso fisiológico del envejecimiento, junto con la tormenta de sentimientos derivados del abandono y la discapacidad. Además, al tratarse de una parte vulnerable de la población, es importante llevar a cabo la visión de los niños respecto a su percepción de la salud y la forma en que se sienten respecto a la convivencia en este espacio y con sus familias. Objetivos: Comprender la influencia del contacto familiar y de las relaciones interpersonales en la salud mental de los individuos residentes en los ILPIs en el noroeste de Paraná. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo exploratorio, de abordaje cualitativo realizado mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario asociado a una entrevista semi-estructurada junto a los individuos residentes en un ILPIs, en el año 2021. Entre las informaciones abordadas están la autoevaluación del estado mental, la forma de ingreso en la institución, el contacto familiar y la relación dentro de la institución. Las entrevistas se grabaron, se transcribieron y se analizaron, según la similitud del contenido. Resultados: A través de los datos recogidos, se observó que el proceso de ingreso de la mayoría de los entrevistados fue consentido y establecido por acuerdo entre el anciano, la familia y el trabajador social. También se analizó que, al igual que las adversidades de la pandemia de COVID-19, los familiares buscan estar presentes a través de las cámaras de video, siguiendo los protocolos de prevención de la enfermedad. Otro punto investigado fue la relación entre los residentes y los profesionales de la institución, que se estableció como no conflictiva, siendo considerada impersonal por la mayoría, obteniendo pocos informes que la consideraban como una familia. Por último, se constató a través de los relatos, un buen estado de salud mental, mantenido por medio de la buena convivencia y la implementación de actividades colectivas e individuales de ocio, por parte de la institución. Conclusiones: Los ancianos entrevistados consideran de gran calidad su estancia, convivencia y rutina en el ILP. Al contrario de lo esperado, la mayoría de los internos presentaban un buen estado de salud mental, constatado en el decurso de las entrevistas. Pocos ancianos residentes en la institución presentaban un diagnóstico de depresión en sus historias clínicas.

Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 56(suple. 2): 19-22, may. - ago. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1396186


La aparición de una enfermedad crónica, como la diabetes mellitus (DM), pone a prueba la respuesta del universo físico y psíquico de un individuo. Como objetivo general, se propone evaluar el estado emocional de las personas con DM en la consulta ambulatoria. Como objetivo particular, detectar y monitorear las necesidades psicológicas que deben formar parte integral del cuidado de la DM mediante el uso de métodos validados. El cuestionario WHO-5 se incluye como índice de bienestar general, el PAID-5 revela la existencia de una posible angustia emocional vinculada a la enfermedad, y el PHQ- 9 como índice de depresión. Ante esta situación, el Comité de Aspectos Psicosociales recomienda explorar estos aspectos para optimizar el control y el tratamiento de la enfermedad, proponiendo estas herramientas para que el equipo de salud las emplee en la detección y el reconocimiento del estado emocional de las personas con DM

Occurrence of a chronic disease, such as diabetes, prove the response of the physical and psychic universe of individuals. As a general objective, is proposed to evaluate emotional state of people with diabetes in the outpatient clinic. As principal objective, detection and monitoring the psychological needs should be a main part of diabetes care, using validated tools to evaluate this aspect. WHO-5 questionnaire is included as an index of general well-being, PAID-5, reveals the existence of a possible emotional distress linked to disease, and PHQ-9 is used as an index of depression. At this situation, the Committee on Psycho-Social Aspects recommends explore these psychological aspects, as a way to optimize the control and treatment of disease, and propose the cited tools, to be used by the health team, in detection and recognition of emotional state in people with diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus , Psychology , Depression , Psychological Distress
Más Vita ; 4(2): 64-76, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392071


La insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) provoca cambios bruscos en la vida del individuo, como el desarrollo de trastornos emocionales que pueden conllevar a cuadros de ansiedad, depresión y estrés; afectando su estado emocional. Objetivo: Validar los instrumentos para analizar la influencia de la hemodiálisis en el estado emocional. Materiales y métodos: La investigación fue de diseño transversal con análisis descriptivo no experimental, modalidad cuali-cuantitativo. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron diseñados y validados por juicio de expertos y analizados estadísticamente con alfa de Cronbach, se empleó una prueba piloto compuesta por 15 personas con insuficiencia renal crónica para la validación de los instrumentos. Resultados: El instrumento cuantitativo presentó un coeficiente de fiabilidad de 0.75 en alfa de Cronbach y el instrumento cualitativo de acuerdo a la rúbrica de los expertos obtuvo un promedio de confiabilidad de 96; por lo que los instrumentos son aprobados y pueden aplicarse con resultados confiables. Conclusión: Los instrumentos tienen una validez, pertinencia y coherencia, adecuados para trabajar en la recolección de datos para determinar el estado emocional de los pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis. El estudio estableció las asociaciones entre las variables de acuerdo a las etapas de la enfermedad será la predisposición a trastornos del estado de ánimo. Los resultados obtenidos validan la utilidad científica y la efectividad de los instrumentos diseñado(AU)

Chronic renal failure (CRF) causes sudden changes in the individual's life, such as the development of emotional disorders that can lead to anxiety, depression and stress; affecting your emotional state. Objective: To validate the instruments to analyze the influence of hemodialysis on the emotional state. Materials and methods: The research was of a cross-sectional design with non-experimental descriptive analysis, qualitative-quantitative modality. The instruments used were designed and validated by expert judgment and statistically analyzed with Cronbach's alpha. A pilot test consisting of 15 people with chronic renal failure was used to validate the instruments. Results: The quantitative instrument presented a reliability coefficient of 0.75 in Cronbach's alpha and the qualitative instrument, according to the experts' rubric, obtained a reliability average of 96; so the instruments are approved and can be applied with reliable results. Conclusion: The instruments have validity, relevance and coherence, adequate to work on data collection to determine the emotional state of patients undergoing hemodialysis. The study established the associations between the variables according to the stages of the disease will be the predisposition to mood disorders. The results obtained validate the scientific usefulness and effectiveness of the instruments designed(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Anxiety , Nursing Diagnosis , Affective Symptoms , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Mood Disorders , Kidney Diseases
Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 56(supl.1): 19-22, mayo 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431391


Resumen La aparición de una enfermedad crónica, como la diabetes mellitus (DM), pone a prueba la respuesta del universo físico y psíquico de un individuo. Como objetivo general, se propone evaluar el estado emocional de las personas con DM en la consulta ambulatoria. Como objetivo particular, detectar y monitorear las necesidades psicológicas que deben formar parte integral del cuidado de la DM mediante el uso de métodos validados. El cuestionario WHO-5 se incluye como índice de bienestar general, el PAID-5 revela la existencia de una posible angustia emocional vinculada a la enfermedad, y el PHQ-9 como índice de depresión. Ante esta situación, el Comité de Aspectos Psicosociales recomienda explorar estos aspectos para optimizar el control y el tratamiento de la enfermedad, proponiendo estas herramientas para que el equipo de salud las emplee en la detección y el reconocimiento del estado emocional de las personas con DM.

Abstract Occurrence of a chronic disease, such as diabetes, prove the response of the physical and psychic universe of individuals. As a general objective, is proposed to evaluate emotional state of people with diabetes in the outpatient clinic. As principal objective, detection and monitoring the psychological needs should be a main part of diabetes care, using validated tools to evaluate this aspect. WHO-5 questionnaire is included as an index of general well-being, PAID-5, reveals the existence of a possible emotional distress linked to disease, and PHQ-9 is used as an index of depression.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 1172-1177, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-904646


@#Objective    To investigate the job satisfaction, emotional state and related factors of medical staff participating in online consultation of West China Internet Hospital during the COVID-19 epidemic. Methods    Through literature review and expert consultation (Delphi method), the questionnaire was developed, and the online consulting medical staff of West China Hospital of Sichuan University were invited to conduct the questionnaire survey from 26 January to 19 June 2020, and finally the statistical analysis was summarized. Results    A total of 132 valid questionnaires were retrieved. Of the 132 subjects, 127 people (96.2%) expressed satisfaction or special satisfaction with the online consulting office format; 103 respondents (78.0%) said that online consulting did not affect or completely did not affect the work and life; 81 people (61.4%) consulted online more than 5 days a week, and 108 people (81.8%) worked within 2 hours a day; the vast majority (97.7%) of the research subjects were satisfied with the content of the training materials and the related support work of the coordination group. Only 29 (22.0%) of the study participants believed that the epidemic caused negative emotions, mainly due to the severity of the epidemic. Conclusion    The online consulting medical staff are satisfied with the office form, training materials and coordination work group of the COVID-19 epidemic, and think that it does not affect their work and life. 22.0% of medical staff have negative emotions, and the severity of the epidemic is   the main reason.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 366-372, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923201


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship between the neurobehavioral functions of individuals exposed to low-level lead and the levels of serum copper-related proteins glutathione S-transferase M1(GSTM1), hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha(HIF1α), cyclooxygenase 1(COX1) and metallothionein(MT), and to screen biomarkers for changes in neurobehavioral function caused by occupational lead exposure. METHODS: A total of 194 workers who exposed to low-level lead(lead-exposed group) and 120 workers without lead exposure(control group) were selected from a battery factory as the research subjects by judgment sampling method. The inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry was used to determine blood lead levels of the two groups, and the State of Mood Scale(POMS) was investigated to assess the emotional state. The computerized neurobehavioral evaluation system in Chinese version 3(NES-C3) was used to test the neurobehavioral ability index(NAI) of related indicators of learning memory and mental activity. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect the levels of copper-related protein in serum. After using principal component analysis to extract the principal components of emotional state, learning memory and mental activity, multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of neurobehavioral function. RESULTS: The blood lead level of the lead-exposed group was increased [(57.15±11.12) vs(177.86±80.04) μg/L, P<0.01], and the incidence of symptoms such as dizziness, memory loss, sleep disturbance, fatigue, weakness, cold sweats in extremities, cold extremities, tingling of extremities, tingling sensation in the distal extremities, tetany, instability of holding things, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, constipation, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, toothache/tooth loosening were increased(all P<0.01) compared with the control group. Meanwhile, the scores of tension-anxiety, depression-dejection, fatigue-inertia, anger-hostility, confusion-bewilderment of POMS were increased(all P<0.01), and the scores of vigor-activity were decreased(P<0.01). The NAI of the lead-exposed individuals in the NES-C3 test of 6 indicators(series addition and subtraction, visual retention, memory scanning, listening to digital breadth, visual simple reaction time, target tracking) were lower than that of the control group(all P<0.01). The serum levels of GSTM1 and HIF1α of the lead-exposed group decreased(all P<0.01), and the COX1 and MT levels increased(all P<0.01) compared with the control group. The serum GSTM1, HIF1α, COX1 and MT of the lead-exposed group were correlated with their emotional state, learning and memory and mental activity to varying degrees(all P<0.05). The results of multiple stepwise linear regression showed that serum COX1 level was an independent influencing factor of emotional state(P<0.01), serum GSTM1, COX1 and lead working years were independent influencing factor of learning and memory(all P<0.05), and work length with lead exposure and alcohol consumption was an independent influencing factor of mental activity(all P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Low-level lead exposure can cause central nervous system symptoms in workers, and the change in neurobehavioral function and serum levels of copper-related proteins GSTM1, HIF1α, COX1 and MT. Serum levels of GSTM1 and COX1 can be used as candidate biomarkers for indicating neurobehavioral function caused by lead exposure.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189041


Nowadays, the topic of confrontation of personality is negative environmental factors are highly relevant. Violent social, economic changes in society postpone the imprint on the mental health of a person, especially girls, which directly affects the physical condition, causing stress, neurosis, depressive states, apathy, inadequate behaviour. Methods: This article gives concept of athlete girls’ involved in handball (n=184) psycho-emotional state and its influence on health and activities. Describes review of methods assessing the psycho-emotional state of a person. Analysed methods, used in the laboratory of Tashkent Institute Postgraduate Medical Education. The article focuses on the use of scale personal anxiety Spilberger-Khanin and Lusher. Results: light anxiety-depressive disorders in 45.0%, moderate violations were detected in 40% and severe in 15%. When testing for age characteristics, 70% of girls were over 17 years old. 30% of cases accounted for age gradation up to 17 years, which is the most prosperous age. the most severe type of personality disorders occurred among girls engaged in trainings during one year, because the girls prepared for the competition, they were more neurotic. The most acceptable period of time according to our research is 2 years. Disorders of moderate severity is detected in athletes during sports for 3 years. Conclusions: A change in the psycho-emotional state is indeed in close relationship with the physical state of a person. Experimental psychological testing of girls after increased loads revealed mild anxiety and depressive disorders in 45%, moderate 40% and severe 15%.

Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention ; (12): 480-485, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-778307


Based on the international large-scale epidemiological research results, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) has proposed three 90%-90%-90% strategies for AIDS prevention and control, and the major countries in the world are actively promoting it. However there is a big gap in the strategy to promote the treatment of newly diagnosed HIV-positive people because of insufficient research on the acceptance and continuum care and treatment behavior of newly diagnosed person. Domestic and foreign studies have reported that diagnose outcome may cause psychological problems under pressure. Men who have sex with men with HIV infection are more stressed than the general population for their sexual orientation and HIV infections. Depression and anxiety are common mental problems which were present in 70.7% of the population, especially among newly diagnosed MSM. Unstable emotional state and unhealthy psychological condition may effect on their sleep, seeking treatment behavior and other aspects. The bi-directional affect between sleep and emotion has been proved, while the function of emotional state impact on HIV infection MSM ignition and retention ART is still unclear yet. This paper reviews treatment behavior status of men who have sex with men with HIV diagnosis, and both the effects of emotional state and sleep disorder on their treatment behavior, also analyzes and interprets the relationship between sleep disorder and emotion. This paper may contribute to provide new ideas and basis for HIV prevention and treatment among risky population and also for the care of HIV positive people.

Enferm. Investig ; 3(3): 142-148, Sept 3, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1005264


Introducción:La hemodiálisis es el método más común para tratar la insuficiencia renal avanzada y permanente. La afectación está determinada por los cambios asociados a la enfermedad, pero se ve influida por múltiples factores, entre los que destaca la respuesta emocional, por su evidencia e implicación en el estilo de vida, las relaciones personales y el afrontamiento.Objetivo:Elaborar una estrategia de intervención de Enfermería para el mejoramiento del estado emocional de los pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis.Métodos:Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, explicativo, en un universo de 60 pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Hemodiálisis del Hospital General Ambato, las técnicas empleadas para la recolección de los datos fueron la encuestas y análisis documental siendo procesados en el programa SPSS.Resultados:Predominóen la investigación que el 66.7% no recibe información por parte del personal de enfermería sobre el proceso que está atravesando. También el 86.7% determinaron que la actuación de la familia en todos los procesos crónicos del paciente es fundamental, ya que éste presenta cambios, convirtiéndose así en un eje para la adaptación de su proceso y tratamiento. Se propusieron acciones estratégicas a cumplir por el personal de enfermería.Conclusiones:Los resultados de la investigación demostraron que las acciones del personal de enfermería fueron un factor determinante en el estado emocional del paciente hemodializado, de igual manera las relaciones familiares y de pareja. Se elaboró una estrategia de intervención de enfermería para mejorar el estado emocional de los pacientes hemodializados en el Hospital General Ambato

Introduction:Hemodialysis is the most common method to treat advanced and permanent renal failure. Affectation is determined by the changes associated with the disease, but it is influenced by multiple factors, among which the emotional response stands out, due to its evidence and involvement in lifestyle, personal relationships and coping.Objective:To develop a nursing intervention strategy to improve the emotional state of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Methods:A descriptive, explanatory study was carried out in a universe of 60 patients treated in the Hemodialysis service of the Ambato General Hospital. The techniques used to collect the data were the surveys and documentary analysis being processed in the SPSS program.Results:I predominate in the research that 66.7% does not receive information from the nursing staff about the process that is going on. Also, 86.7% determined that the action of the family in all the chronic processes of the patient is fundamental, since it presents changes, thus becoming an axis for the adaptation of its process and treatment. Strategic actions were proposed to be fulfilled by the nursing staff.Conclusions:The results of the investigation showed that the actions of the nursing staff were a determining factor in the emotional state of the hemodialysis patient, as well as the family and couple relationships. A nursing intervention strategy was developed to improve the emotional state of hemodialysis patients in the Ambato General HospitaL

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Mental Health , Nursing , Pain Management , Psychology, Applied , Disease Management
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy ; (12): 2829-2834, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-614520


Objective to investigate the emotional state and childhood trauma among users of amphetaminetype-stimulants under compulsory seclusion rehabilitation in Shaoxing.Methods A cross-sectional design was conducted on 140 users of ATS in Shaoxing compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation center,collecting general information using homemade questionnaires.Using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9),Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) and Mood Disorder Questionnaire(MDQ) to investigate the emotional state of users of ATS.The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) was applied to explore the childhood trauma experiences of users of ATS.Results Among the 140 users of ATS,84 (60%) users had emotional problems,24 users (17.14%) of anxiety disorder,22 users (15.72%) of depression,27 users (19.28%) of depression and anxiety disorder.66 users (47.1%)experienced at least one childhood trauma.The most common childhood trauma is the physical neglect,60 users (42.9%),followed by emotional neglect in 23 users(16.4%),again sexual abuse in 18 users (12.9%),emotional abuse and physical abuse is relatively fewer.Conclusion Among users of ATS under compulsory seclusion rehabilitation,emotional problems is prevalent.Proper emotional intervention and treatment in users of ATS would promote their mental health,thereby reducing the re-use of ATS,better return to society life.

Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University ; (12): 161-165, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838363


Objective To explore the effect of sleep deprivation (SD) on cognitive evaluation of affective picture. Methods Korty-three undergraduates were recruited and assigned to sleep deprivation group (n 23) and sleep control group (n=20). Because two students in the sleep control group did not participate in retest task and one student data of the test were bst. 17 people was eventually included in the sleep control group. The students in the sleep deprivation group received sleep deprivation at the end of the test (from 22:00 to next day 8:00). The sleep control group had no intervention. A total of 206 affective pictures (108 test and 108 retest) were selected from International Affective Picture System (1APS) and categorized as positive, neutral and negative pictures. The Positive and Negative Affect Scale ( PANAS) was used to investigate the subjective mood ratings of participants at test and retest in two groups and to evaluate the effect of SD on cognitive evaluation of affective pictures. Results SD showed no significant effect on the evaluation of positive and negative pictures, but it showed a negative bias in valence ratings for neutral pictures, with significant difference found for neutral pictures between test and retest in sleep deprivation group (P<0. 01). but not in the sleep control group (P= 0.12). After controlling covariance subjective emotion, the negative bias caused by SD still existed for the neutral pictures. The arousal ratings for affective pictures in sleep deprivation group was significantly higher than that in sleep control group (P<0.05). Conclusion Our results indicate that sleep is important in emotional evaluation, and SD can lead to a negative bias for neutral stimuli.

Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine ; (6): 236-242,247, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606478


Objective To explore the emotional and cardiorespiratory changes at different stages during a single bout of exercise.Methods Sixty participants were recruited to complete 30 minutes' moderate exercise at a fixed running speed (the speeds were set based on the former self-controled speed test).Self-rated emotional experience was recorded 5 minutes before the exercise intervention,30 minutes after the intervention onset and 10 minutes after the intervention.Meanwhile,participants' physiological indices were monitored throughout the whole process.The data were grouped every five minutes and the data of six groups (t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 and t6)during exercise intervention were analyzed.The reliability of the results was subsequently checked via interview.Results The results showed that during t1 participants' happiness and tidal volume (TV)reached their maximum,but the respiratory frequency (RF) and respiratory quotient (RQ)reached their minimum.During t2 to t5,participants felt the most positive and RF was cooperating with TV appropriately.During t6,the feeling of fatigue hit the highest level;RF and Heart Rate (RT)reached its maximum,but the ratio of VO2/HR reached its minimum.Conclusion During a single bout of exercise,people feel the happiest in the first five minutes with mainly deep breathing.In the subsequent twenty minutes,exercisers experience positive emotion with highest breath efficiency.During the last five minutes,fatigue,as well as low efficient pulmonary respiration and pump function appeared.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506537


Se describe la crisis de salud pública más impactante en la actualidad, donde se han generado medidas paliativas originadas en organismos internacionales, y se ha establecido la necesidad de que las ciencias sociales analicen el efecto de la pandemia en la salud mental. Para este fin, proponemos priorizar el análisis de las formas más efectivas de abordar el estado emocional y de proyectar una propuesta general para enfrentar situaciones similares en el futuro en el contexto del país.

The most shocking public health crisis today is described, where palliative measures originated in international organizations have been generated, and the need for the social sciences to analyze the specific impact of the pandemic on mental health has been established. To this end, we propose to prioritize the analysis of the most effective ways to address the affective state, and to project a general proposal to face similar situations in the future in the context of the country.

Sumario É descrevida a crise de saúde pública mais chocante da atualidade, onde medidas paliativas originadas em organizações internacionais foram geradas, assim como foi estabelecida a necessidade que as ciências sociais analisem o impacto específico da pandemía na saúde mental. Para esse efeito, é proposto priorizar a análise das formas mais eficazes de enfrentar o estado afetivo e projetar uma proposta geral para enfrentar no futuro situações semelhantes no contexto do país.

Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine ; : 38-2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-84415


OBJECTIVES: Korea is well known for its long work hours amongst employees. Because workers of the manufacturing industry are constantly exposed to extended work hours, this study was based on how long work hours affect their emotional well-being. METHODS: The analysis was done using the secondary Korean Working Condition Survey (KWCS). Long work hours were defined to be more than 48 hours, and they were subcategorized into units of 52 hours and 60 hours. Based on the WHO (five) well-being index, emotional state was subdivided into three groups - reference group, low-mood group, and possible depression group- where 28 points and 50 points were division points, and two groups were compared at a time. Association between long work hours and emotional state was analyzed using binary and multinomial logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Working for extended working hours in the manufacturing industry showed a statistically significant increase (t test p < 0.001) in trend among the possible depression group when compared to the reference group and the low-mood group. When demographical characteristics, health behaviors, socioeconomic state, and work-related characteristics were fixed as controlled variables, as work hours increased the odds ratio of the possible depression group increased compared to the reference group, and especially the odds ratio was 2.73 times increased for work hours between 48-52 and 4.09 times increased for 60 hours or more and both were statistically significant. In comparing the low-mood group and possible depression group, as work hours increased the odds ratio increased to 1.73, 2.39, and 4.16 times, and all work hours from working 48-52 hours, 53-60 hours, and 60 hours or more were statistically significant. Multinomial logistic regression analysis also showed that among the reference group and possible group, the possible depression group was statistically significant as odds ratio increased to 2.94 times in working 53-60 hours, and 4.35 times in 60 hours or more. CONCLUSIONS: Long work hours have an adverse effect on emotional well-being. A more diversified research towards variables that affect long work hours and emotional well-being and how they interact with each other and their relationship to overall health is imperative.

Depression , Health Behavior , Korea , Logistic Models , Odds Ratio
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 11-13, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-420358


ObjectiveTo investigate the effect for self-management model in improving nurses' working morale, quality of work and self-efficacy.MethodsAll the hospital nurses were chosen as the research object. All the nursing staff was taken with self- management model on the basis of the traditional management. The changes in satisfaction degree of relationship, quality of work and self-efficacy score after three months of self-management model application were compared. ResultsAfter application of self-management model, the satisfaction degree of relationship, score of work quality and self-efficacy for the nurses were significantly better than before the application. The difference was significant.ConclusionsThe self-management model can fully mobilize the initiative of the nursing staff,so as to improve their mental outlook and self-efficacy as well as the quality of care, it is an effective nursing management method.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 4-6, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-418961


ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of humanized nursing in ovarian cancer patients to improve treatment compliance and negative emotional state. Methods120 cases of ovarian cancer patients from October 2009 to October 2010 in our hospital were chosen as the research object.They were divided into the control group and the observation group according to randomization methods with 60 cases in each group.The control group patients were taken routine care.The patients in the observation group were taken humanized nursing on the basis of routine care.The treatment compliances during treatment were compared.The anxiety,depression scores for the two groups of patients before and after treatment were compared.Based on the three indicators,the effect of humanized nursing in ovarian cancer patients to improve treatment compliance and negative emotional state was evaluated. ResultsThe treatment compliance during treatment for the two groups was compared,the full compliance of patients of the observation group was significantly higher than the control group.The difference between the two groups was statistically significant.The anxiety,depression scores before treatment for the two groups were compared.There was no significant difference between the two groups.The anxiety and depression scores showed significant improvement after the treatment,but improvement level of the observation group was significantly higher than the control group.The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. ConclusionsHumanized nursing can improve the treatment compliance and negative mood of ovarian cancer patients effectively,it is conducive to the rehabilitation of patients,and is worthy of clinical application.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 13-15, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-418953


Objective To investigate the clinical effect of evidence-based nursing model on improvement of the quality of life and emotional state of parturients with natural childbirth during perinatal period. Methods 120 cases of parturients with natural childbirth from November 2009 to November 2010 in our hospital were chosen.They were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group with 60 cases in each group.The control group was taken conventional methods of nursing care,and the observation group was given evidence-based nursing.The anxiety and depression scores and quality of life score,pain score of the first labor stage of the two groups were compared.The clinical effect of evidence-based nursing on improvement of the quality of life and emotional state of parturients with natural childbirth was evaluated comprehensively. Results After observation,the quality of life prenatal and postnatal for the two groups were compared,the observation group had obvious advantages than the control group,the difference between the two groups was significant.The anxiety and depression scores antepartum and postpartum for the two groups were compared,the observation group was lower than the control group,and the difference between the two groups was significant.The labor pain of the first stage was compared,the rate of the third-grade pain in the observation group was significantly lower than the control group. Conclusions Evidence-based nursing has been applied effectively into the clinic.It has been proven that effective measures can prevent and improve the questions that have arisen or prone to arise for perinatal stage.It can improve the quality of life and improve the emotional state for maternal perinatal period.It is conducive to maternal and child health,and is worthy of clinical application.

Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 813-816, 2010.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-387153


Objective To investigate the different effect of negative emotion induced by background music on verbal and spatial working memory. Methods Fifteen participants were exposed in relaxing or horrible background music and did the working memory task. After each emotional condition, the 9-point Self Assessment Manikin scale was registered. n-back paradigm was employed as WM task and the WM task contained two different types, the verbal WM and spatial WM. In the same time,The ERPs during each emotional condition was recorded,and the anterior LPC and posterior P300 were analyzed. Results The valence,arousal and dominance were 5.40±0.91,3.93 ±0.79 and 5.33 ± 1.29 in relaxing condition,while the same dimensionalities in negative condition were 2.00 ± 0.75,6.47 ± 0.99 and 2.33 ± 0.89. The self reported data showed that horrible background music induced the negative emotional state, which were observed from the decrease of valence (t(14)= 15. 902, P <0.01) and dominance (t(14) =6.708, P<0.01) while the increase of arousal (t (14)=9.906, P<0.01). The ERP data showed,there was a main effect in emotion with anterior LPC (F (1.14)= 7.37, P < 0.01) and in both verbal and spatial WM,the amplitude of LPC were reduced in negative emotional condition. However, there was an interaction of emotion and type on amplitude of P300 (F (1.14)= 11.25, P < 0.01), selective influence of negative emotion in spatial WM were seen (F (1.14)= 12.43, P<0.01). Conclusion The WM was influenced by negative emotion induced by negative background music ,and the spatial WM was more vulnerable to negative emotion.

Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 26(2): 227-236, abr.-jun. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-520251


Este artigo tem por finalidade discutir criticamente os aspectos fisiológicos e psicológicos da disfonia funcional psicogênica por puberfonia do tipo muda vocal incompleta, esclarecendo os objetivos da terapia fonoaudiológica e os fatores que podem interferir no prognóstico. O estudo foi realizado a partir de uma consulta sistemática a fontes clássicas e atuais da literatura científica nacional e internacional. Com base nos aspectos abordados, foi possível concluir que a conduta fonoaudiológica fundamenta-se em técnicas que visam à diminuição da frequência fundamental a partir do abaixamento da laringe. No entanto, faz-se necessário um trabalho interdisciplinar, visto que as causas deste quadro são predominantemente emocionais.

The purpose of the present article is to discuss the physiological and psychological issues relating to psychogenic functional dysphonia through puberphonia of the mutational voice disorder type, by clarifying the aims of speech therapy and the factors that may intervene in the prognosis. The study was conducted based on a systematic search of national and international scientific literature, both current and classical. Based on the aspects covered, it was possible to conclude that therapeutic behavior is founded on techniques that aim to decrease the fundamental voice frequency based on the lowering of the larynx. However, an interdisciplinary approach is required, in view of the fact that the causes of this situation are predominantly emotional.

Language Therapy , Puberty , Voice , Voice Disorders
Salud ment ; 30(1): 9-15, Jan.-Feb. 2007.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-985991


Summary: The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a type of sleep disorder that has called the attention of many researchers because of its widespread distribution among middle-aged subjects. The OSAS is a respiratory problem characterized by the existence of apneas, defined as 10 second minimum intervals during which no aerial flux exchange takes place through the upper airways and the hypopneas not characterized by an arrest, but by a reduction of aerial flux through the upper airways. The most widespread index used in the diagnosis of the OSAS severity has been the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI). There is little consensus based on the apnea/hypopnea index regarding the clinical definition of the sleep apnea syndrome, as there is not a single criterion for the categorization of sleep apnea patients into severity levels. Nowadays, it is estimated that about 70% of the patients referred to sleep laboratories suffer from snoring, and it is suspected that they might also suffer from sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea patients may suffer from memory and cognitive problems, excessive daytime sleepiness, as well as mood disturbance, among other symptoms. Additionally, this disorder has severe medical and social consequences. One of the most characteristic symptoms in sleep apnea is snoring. Although snoring is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea, it should be remembered it is a typical phenomenon among population in general. There is a primary kind of snoring, the most frequent type in less severe cases, which even occurs among the normal population. In this case, the noise accompanying inspiration is made with almost every breath. Secondly, there is another kind of snoring that is either intermittent or cyclic, and snoring does not come with every breath but silent periods are also frequent. The latter indicates apnea. A considerable number of epidemiological studies regarding snoring have been produced of late. Several of them have concluded that snoring may have severe clinical consequences. Most patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea start having simple snores. In the last decade there has been a marked increase of patients who manifest respiratory disorders related to sleep who do not fall into the category of apnea patients. Nevertheless, the morbidity of these clinical disorders is not yet known, a circumstance that makes treatment more difficult. Only a reduced number of studies have tried to find out whether snorers show any kind of symptoms that could be used as a preventive measure against the development of sleep apnea. For all the previous reasons, the aim of this study is to assess whether there are any differences in daytime sleepiness, reaction time, short-term memory, depression, trait anxiety, state anxiety and neuroticism between a group of patients with obstructive sleep apnea and a group of snoring individuals who had not been diagnosed as suffering from OSAS. Material and method: The sample was made up of 11 snorers (two women and nine men), in an age range between 29 and 58 (X= 43.82 and SD= 8.67), and 14 patients with OSAS (two women and 12 men), in the age range between 30 and 65 (X= 49.64 and SD= 10.67), who were selected from a clinical population. The AHI used for establishing an OSAS diagnostic was of 10 apneas/hypopneas per sleeping hour. The patients were diagnosed to be snorers if they showed an apnea/hypopnea index <10. The following instruments were used in the evaluation of snoring subjects and obstructive sleep apnea patients: 1. Cardio-respiratory polygraph of every hour of sleep for each one of the patients. The procedure consists in night-time monitoring of the following parameters: a) electrocardiogram; b) respiratory movements (expansion and relaxation of the thorax and abdomen), which evaluate the respiratory force; c) oronasal flow and d) oxygen saturation. The snoring was measured through a tracheal microphone. 2. To measure the subjective daytime sleepiness, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale was used. 3. A BASIC software program was used to measure the simple perceptual reaction times in milliseconds. 4. The digits test of WAIS was used in straight and inverse order to evaluate the capacity of short term memory. 5. To evaluate the depressive symptoms, the Beck's Depression Inventory was employed. 6. The State/Trait Anxiety Inventory was used as a measurement of the state and trait anxiety levels. 7. As an index of neuroticism levels, the Eysenck Personality Inventory was used. Subjects under clinical risk of an OSAS diagnosis were referred to a sleep unit by primary care physicians. Respiratory pathologies other than OSAS were ruled out before the subjects' inclusion. Among these were, in particular, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. All the patients underwent a medical examination and a medical interview in which a detailed clinical history of each patient was compiled. Once the medical examination was over, each patient was given an appointment to sleep one night in hospital. Subsequently, cardio-respiratory poligraphy, registering height hours of sleep, was administered to each patient with the objective to establish a diagnosis. The morning after, a manual analysis was made of the following parameters which indicate the presence or absence of the disturbance and its severity: total number of nocturnal obstructive apneas, total number of hypopneas, value of saturation during the night, mean and minimum levels of SaO2% and apnea/hypopnea index. Afterwards, the sleep apnea diagnosis was established for those patients who showed an apnea/hypopnea index higher than 10. Snoring subjects with a lesser apnea/hypopnea index than 10 did not fit into the pathology of sleep apnea. Obstructive apneas were defined as the arrest of air flux during sleep along with the occurrence of respiratory movements lasting more than 10 seconds. Hypopnea was defined as an episode during which the partial obstruction of the upper airways produced a significant reduction of the air flux. The following morning, the psychological variables were evaluated (daytime sleepiness, short-term memory, reaction time, depression, neuroticism, state and trait anxiety). This process was carried out in the same place and under the same conditions for every subject. The tests were completed between 8:30 and 11:30 in the morning. Additionally, an exclusion criterion was established as the suffering from any psychiatric illness past or present in any way that could influence the psychological functioning of the patient. As a method of analysis of the results, a non-parametric analysis technique was used: the U Mann-Whitney test. All statistical analyses were made with the statistics package SPSS, 8.0, Spanish version. Results: Results from this study show that there are statistically significant differences between daytime sleepiness (p<0.05) and depressive symptoms (p<0.01) between both groups of subjects, whereas no statistically significant differences were found in terms of short term memory, reaction time, state anxiety levels, trait anxiety and neuroticism. Conclusions: The analysis of the results obtained reveals that the levels of daytime sleepiness are much higher in patients with OSAS than those in the snoring group. Some studies note that the fragmentation of sleep is responsible for excessive sleepiness during the day. Nevertheless, in this study we observed greater levels of obesity in patients with OSAS than in snoring patients, which could also explain the greater levels of sleepiness. In relation to the depression variable, the average scores show that depression levels are higher in apnea patients than in the snoring group. One of the possible explanations of this result is that the majority of apnea patients, due to the severity of the pathology, consequently present higher deficits in their daily social functioning, etc. Probably, the conditions previously described tend to influence an increase of depression levels.

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